Going in for a cold plunge for the first time will be a refreshing and invigorating experience if done correctly. Here are the steps to ensure a safe and effective cold plunge:

Consult With a Doctor

Before trying a cold plunge, especially if you have any health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it’s safe for you.

Start With Warm-Up Exercises

Perform light exercises or a warm shower to slightly raise your body temperature. This helps to reduce the initial shock to your system.

Prepare your Iceology Cold Plunge Area

Ensure  your Iceology tub is clean and free from hazards. The suggested water temperature should ideally be between 50-59°F (10-15°C) for first time plungers!

Once you become more comfortable with cold water therapy, it is recommended that you keep your Iceology Cold Plunge tub at a temperature below 55° F and plunge a minimum of 11 minutes per week. This can be acquired through 2-4 minute sessions 3-4 times a week. Some prefer to plunge daily!

Set a Time Limit

For your first time, aim to stay in the cold water for only 1-2 minutes. You can gradually increase the duration with subsequent sessions.

Enter Slowly and Steadily

Begin by wetting your face and neck with the cold water. Then, slowly immerse your body, starting with your feet and gradually moving in deeper. Avoid jumping in to prevent sudden shock to your system. 

IMPORTANT… Control Your Breathing

The initial cold can cause hyperventilation. Focus on slow, deep breaths to maintain control. This will help your body adjust to the temperature more comfortably.

Stay Calm and Relaxed

While in the water, try to stay as still and relaxed as possible. Avoid vigorous movements which can increase the feeling of cold. Some people enjoy listening to calming music during their cold water therapy.

Monitor Your Body

Pay attention to how your body feels. If you experience extreme discomfort, dizziness, numbness, or any signs of hypothermia, exit the water immediately.

Exit the Water Safely

After the set time, exit the water slowly. Have a warm towel and dry clothes ready nearby. Avoid staying in cold water for too long, especially on your first attempt.

Warm Up Gradually

Once out, warm up slowly using a blanket, warm clothes, or a warm drink. Avoid taking a hot shower immediately, as this can cause a rapid change in body temperature.

Hydrate and Rest

Drink water to stay hydrated and give your body time to adjust. Rest if needed to help your body recover.

By following these steps, you can safely experience the benefits of cold plunging while minimizing risks.

Ready to take the plunge?